A cooperative movement game
connecting KIDS and their PARENTS

Find out what the tropical jungle has to offer! Roll away fallen trees, dance with the tribesmen, turn into gorillas and earthworms. Enjoy the original family fun time from the comfort of your living room.
Let your kids discover the true heroes in you!
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It is very simple! Set off on an adventurous journey:

1. Unfold the Adventure Map

2. Choose a story

3. Prearrange the Action Cards

4. Yo-Ho-Ho! Off You Go!

What do I need?

You do not need anything special to enjoy an unforgettable family adventure.
You only need yourselves, your kids, a tiny spot on the carpet, playful mood and the game Off We Go!
Order the game

17 Action Cards

The Action Cards represent the movement adventures that you are going to encounter on your journey.

There are 17 illustrated cards (A6 size).  The story unfolds as you turn card by card. The family team plays out the adventure described on the Action Card they turn.

You will find four types of movement adventures in the game:

Sú dobrodružstvá, kde sa premeníte na zvieratká. Premenia váš rodinný tím na gorily, leňochody či prehistorické dinosaury. Zvieracie Sú dobrodružstvá, kde spolupracujete v páre či tíme. Odvalíte ťažké kamene, odgúľate popadané stromy či preskáčete cez lávové jazero. Tímové Sú dobrodružstvá, pri ktorých sa spolu zasmejete! :) Ako šiši domorodý a Egyptský tanec alebo šteklivý útok mravcov. Zábavné Sú dobrodružstvá, kde si spolu oddýchnete. Napijete sa pramenitej vody, zhlboka sa nadýchnete a dáte si uvoľňujúcu masáž. Oddychové

Adventurer's Storybook

The Adventurer's Storybook is a colourful action book that will guide you throughout the game.

The Storybook provides three sample stories with the description of activities that your family team needs to overcome meeting all the obstacles the jungle throws in your way.

Feel free to create variations of the stories or even make up new stories with your kids!

Adventure Map

A true adventurer needs a good map! The Adventure Map allows you to explore the whole Tropical Jungle.

A 56 x 84 cm sized map works as your game plan that you can unfold on the floor in the living room, the kid’s room or even in the garden.

Thanks to the map you will be able to find your own unique way through the Tropical Jungle!

Testimonies of the Heroic Parents

We had a lot of fun and stretched our bones playing the game with our four-year-old daughter Katka.
She cannot wait for the game to be continued.
Peter Kontriš
My seven-year-old daughter and I loved the game, and we had a blast laughing doing the exercises.
We have never played such game before, and it was great fun, I truly recommend it!
Jozef "Bobo" Hudec

A game that connects builds and develops

Off We Go! is a cooperative movement game that connects kids and their parents. The activities in the game are based on Veronica Sherborne's Developmental Movement, storytelling and creative drama.

Magical Human Touch

Our game is all about cooperative physical contact. Pushing, pulling, crawling or climbing each other. Human touch has magical effects. It helps us grow emotionally, physically and cognitively. It also builds better relationships.

Movement full of play

Adventurous movement is not about exercise it is about having fun! Do not expect P. E. lesson. Playful movement is fun, various and based on free flow. It also takes in consideration your individual physical abilities.

All for one

Cooperation is the key! We are all one team. We get to go on all the adventures together. No one is the first nor the last, nobody wins nor loses. We are all equal partners. We learn to cooperate and respect each other.

One Great Story

Off We Go is a game story. The whole game is one great story full of adventures. Stories help to develop our mind. During the process of storytelling you are training your imagination, critical thinking and other skills.

Our Heroic Team


We are a bunch of playful heroes. We are adventure pedagogues, teachers, animators, movement coaches and speculators of all kinds. We believe that playfulness and heroism are the essentials of a happy and meaningful life. Our mission is working with kids, parents and teachers all around the world. We would like to connect the world of children with the world of adults.

The Main Hero

Katka Akáčová

Katka has started with games as a child practising mainly by playing them.

She has continued engaging with games at the Masaryk University in Brno by researching the communication of heroes in online games for her Diploma Thesis.

After finishing her second Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Informatics, she has decided that the world of IT technology is too dull for her and started a career in a different field.

After returning to Slovakia, she had set up the first school of New Circus called CirKus-Kus and had been the chief principal there until recently.

Pedagogic Mage

Juri Šimkovič

Juri Šimkovič called ‘Šimuraj’ is all about action!

Juri has studied social pedagogy and tutoring.

He has been working with kids for 15 years as a scout, animator, camp and course leader.

He has been coaching the trainers of movement courses at the OZ BENI TIM that cooperates with Bratislava primary schools.

Šimuraj is passionate about adventure pedagogy and various movement activities.

His life mission is to work with kids, parents and teachers.


Mirka Boboková

She has studied at a pedagogy secondary school and has worked with kids in kindergartens, afterschool activities clubs or dance courses.

Currently she is finishing her Bachelor Degree in preschool and elementary pedagogy at the University of Constantine the Philosopher.

She enjoys working with kids!

Besides playing with kids, you’ll talk Mirka into listening to the music of Kandráčovci or firefighting.


Kika Skočíková

Kikuš is a spontaneous avvalanche of positive energy and fun of all kinds!

She says herself: ‚My butt is slightly bigger, but kids and sport will help me slim at least a bit ;).‘

Kika has studied social pedagogy. She has worked with children since 2005 and had not given up since! It still fulfils her life and gives it a greater value.

For Kika learning by plying is the best way to learn ever.

Playing helps us realise what is the most important in this world and it is valid for kids as well as for us adults.


Frederik Šmýkal

Freďo is our junior team member.

Despite his age (he is only 20) he has managed to gather quite some experience.

Freďo has studied leisure animation. He has been working in this field for five years already.

Besides individual animation programmes for kids Freďo has worked in various summer camps and school field trips. He has worked with kids ranging from kindergarten age to teenagers.

He is also experienced in working with kids and their parents, kids just love Freďo.


Mišo Horváth

Mikéle has left his career in PR marketing. He has decided to fulfil his dream – help young people to discover their qualities and help them develop their skills as a career advisor and mentor.

Mikéle wants to change our educational system.

That is why he joined the programme for pedagogy leaders at the Comenius Institute. He ended up teaching at his former grammar school, and he helps develop the skills of his students.

When he does not teach he mentors, prepares activity workshops or some adventurous event for youngsters.

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Our story


...who made up funny movement games for his kids. Those games remain the best childhood memories for his daughter Katka.

Katka has grown up, and she became professionally engaged with kids and their movement development. She has decided to fulfil her dream and make sure all the kids have their heroic parents.

That is why she has created the game Off We Go!

I want to be a hero

Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Playful adventures on Facebook! Follow us
Šípková 7, 81104 Bratislava,
IČO: 51078848
DIČ: 2120594520